Belinda Moreno

Profile picture of Belinda Moreno.

Belinda Moreno

Employee Relations & Culture Manager

I joined the DEI Committee because hiring a diverse workforce allows for different points of view at the table when decisions need to be made. It takes rigorous training to ensure that the opportunities we offer are equitable for everyone, especially when it comes to hiring and growth and development.

Over the course of my career, I have come to understand that we all communicate in our own way, and taking the time to learn about one another’s backgrounds and cultures is key to building an inclusive environment. I would like to help develop opportunities for us all to become more self-aware of our own biases.

We do not have to agree on everything, but we should be willing to look at things from someone else’s point of view and show mutual respect. If we all committed to doing this in our daily interactions, imagine what we can accomplish together, and what this would mean for Proliance Surgeons’ future!

As the Employee Relations and Culture Manager, I am passionate about ensuring we are providing fair, equitable and consistent practices to our workforce.